Welcome to AndrewBlackFishing.co.uk, this site is primarily dedicated to European Predator fishing, however there will be features on this site to cover other aspects of fishing such as coarse and sea fishing, as well as foreign fishing adventures, so come in and have a look around, if there is anything you would like to see, or gear you would like a review on get in touch and let me know.
The following links are the recent updates to this site.

Winter 2021 – 2022 Blog


The winter of 2021 – 22 was a strange one for me, I had a lot of plans and venues that I wanted to try, I had planned to fish mainly on the river for November, as last year this… Continue reading

Good, Bad and Ugly!

I think it’s fair to that every angler if you are at the sport long enough goes through good and bad periods in their fishing. Sometimes you can go through a “honey” period and seemingly you can do nothing wrong.… Continue reading

Summer 2021 Blog


Sea Fishing;
Back in June I had the opportunity to dig the beach-casters out for a bit of smoothhound fishing. I do like a bit of sea fishing, but usually the effort- to- catch ratio is rubbish, however on this… Continue reading