
New Video Page


As promised we have been doing some updates to this side and have added a new video page – the videos are hosted through Youtube – now most of the videos you see on pike fishing show small jacks or doubles aimlessly following lure or being hoicked out by some GoPro wannabe, here at that is not going to be the case. You will only see big pike and other predators – unless I can’t catch anything anymore and have to revert to wasping! Another thing I will put up from time to time is strange and unusual behaviour – of fish – not anglers. So go and have a look at some 30lbers —-> >Click Here

Easy Trace Making

Main Dresser_01

Wire traces can cause the novice predator anglers a lot of heartache. What wire should you use? Should you crimp them, twist them, spin them? In most cases it is far simpler to just buy ready-made traces. But it really… Continue reading

Winter 2016 Blog


It has been quiet on here lately, for which I apologise, unfortunately most of my “writing time” has been spent on my weekly articles with “Angler’s Mail” and a couple of ones for “Pike and Predators”, the first of which… Continue reading